Thursday, November 12, 2009

Outtakes 2

Grey's Anatomy (or simply "Grey's" as women annoyingly like to call it) has, for the fifth year running, kept the title of most excruciating show men must suffer through before making out. This spot was previously held by Friends (post Rachel-Ross breakup). In fact, the two hour Grey's followed by back to back Friends on your local cable affiliate has made Thursday nights more infertile than Bea Arthur's corpse.

BTW, I owe you all a recap of the date. It is coming this weekend. Sometimes the day job calls my attention.


  1. This post hits home... I still can not watch Friends due to back-to-back scheduling about a decade ago.

  2. I'm going to nominate Sportscenter as the guy equivalent of that.. I could be naked and my guy wont change from that 11-12 hour of stupid highlights

  3. No way Anonymous...I was tourtured by being "forced" to watch "Manswers" on Spike...3 episodes back to back. I lost about 60 IQ points.

    On the bright side, I now know the answers (the "manswers" ugh) to "do boobs float?" "What're the worlds biggest boobs?" and most disturbingly "is there such a thing as the 'crap o' death'?"

    I'd rather watch Star Trek. *shudder*

  4. Frankie,

    Real ones do, fake ones don't.
