Monday, December 7, 2009

Still Alive!

I just wanted to let you few loyal readers know that I am still alive. Yes, each and every one of you loyal people who I have never met, do not worry, I have many more long winded diatribes about the she-devils that co-habitat with us chivalrous men in the tri-state area. I am just currently inundated with the nuances of my new job - teaching.

In the meantime, if your single, watch Jersey Shore on MTV and thank yourself for living in one of the other 49 states.

PS: Whoever told me that there was lots of pretty women in teaching lied. They told a bold faced, deadly, lie...


  1. That's because you are city teaching. All the cute ones go to the burbs. Trust me, my son has a smoking kindergarden teacher.

  2. How is the wifey hunt coming? Any interesting dates lately? We need updates here! Your public demands it ;)

    And there are pretty women in teaching - but they all live here in the Midwest.

  3. Ha, i have mucho more stories to tell. I'll have one this weekend... and the midwest has done me bad. I think my days of dating midwest girls are done... they are rather cute though.

  4. Can't wait!

    And I apologize on behalf of all Midwesterners for your bad experiences. :(
