Friday, February 20, 2009

The Bagel Women

In every office situation I've worked in there is always someone kind enough to bring in a dozen bagels or donuts. This surprise find in the kitchen is like a mini Xmas morning.  In every office situation I've worked in there is also a person who finds it necessary to cut up said bagel, or donut in half, and then cut in half again, and another half, thereby diminishing the food to a morsel not even a pigeon would touch while simultaneously rubbing their grubby fingers all over the food.  Do you think I'd like to eat that powdered donut when there's no more powder on it?  The thing is this person is ALWAYS a woman, and she always comes back for the rest of the bagel/donut later in the day.  I hate to generalize or anything.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I am very familiar with how much you hate to generalize.
