Monday, April 6, 2009

The Follow-up

I took the easy way out. I e-mailed.
Back in the good old days of 2002, I would have picked up the phone and said; "Hey boo, I am feeing your steez. Whatchoo say we go out again and do it up yo?" ( I might have actually said this too - you know, in a jovial manner.) These days, I generally write an e-mail like I'm following up on a job interview. I like to play it relaxed so as not to put any pressure on said girl. I'm convinced the worst thing you can do is put any pressure on a girl to make a decision. Even if it's at McDonald's, and there is a DMV-like line behind you, and she's weighing the choices of quarter pounder vs. double cheeseburger, DO NOT pressure her to hurry up and make a decision lest you are ready for a lecture on being pressured or a possible quarrel. Trust me. It's similar to negotiating a contract. I suppose it's an age/generational thing.

I did hear back and supposedly she does want to go out again. We've exchanged a few texts and she mentioned having a good time and setting something up soon, but I feel as if we're losing momentum - our date was two weeks ago. Hmm... I think we're going to file this under TBD for now with a big chance of She's Just Not That Into You.  Wait, did i just reference that awful book? Someone send help.

1 comment:

  1. The movie wasn't so bad! and you're probably righr Mr. Mikey
