Monday, March 30, 2009

A Few Odds and Ends

First of all, welcome to everyone who found this via Lemondrop! I've had fun with this blog and fully intend to keep this going until I find me a wifey. Enjoy the next 5 - 10 years of entries!

Secondly, tons of folk misconstrued the question I posed in that forum. I could absolutely care less what religion you are. My question was simply rhetorical as to why some people feel the overpowering need to marry within their religion. I just don't get it - I would never let silly dogmas get in the way of something bigger. That's right, I'm talking to you Frieida Pinto of Slumdog Millionaire! Don't act like you're not impressed with Mikey!

Lastly, I'll have a follow-up post about the Lawyer/Librarian from last week soon.  I am still waiting to see if  this turns into a DWO. If history is any indication, this should be 3 weeks tops.

And feel free to e-mail me.  I have a corporate job.


  1. Borat lika sexy time yahhhhh

  2. If you don't write about the sexy librarian, what are you going to talk about? It is like watching the Cosby show without Bill Cosby...

  3. also, do you think the librarian would be more upset to see posts implying that you like her or posts about other women?
